We are delighted to have the support of our three charity patrons; Kellie Bright, Rob Brydon and Carl Cavers. They are each passionate supporters of our work and vision for a future where no child dies from the childhood cancer neuroblastoma or suffers due to the treatment they receive.

Kellie Bright
Kellie Bright Kellie is our newest Patron, joining us in May 2023. Kellie has enjoyed a glittering acting career and has been a prominent part of the BBC’s EastEnders cast for 10 years, playing Linda Carter. “It is an absolute honour to become a Patron of this wonderful charity,” Kellie said. “I have been fortunate enough to be involved with some of the Solving Kids' Cancer UK events recently and, each time, I’ve been reminded of the amazing work the charity does for the neuroblastoma community. Solving Kids' Cancer UK has such a bold and important vision for children affected by childhood cancer and I can’t wait to play my part in achieving that.” Kellie’s involvement with Solving Kids’ Cancer UK began towards the end of 2022 in what she describes as a ‘divine moment’. Kellie was visiting her cousin on the oncology ward at University College Hospital in London and, the following day in a park, she was introduced to a Solving Kids’ Cancer UK member of staff who asked if she would like to support the charity. Kellie immediately said ‘yes’. Incredibly, Kellie rallied up 22 of her fellow Eastenders cast members to sing and share their time to meet families affected by childhood cancer and supporters at our Christmas Carol Concert.
Rob Brydon
Rob, one of the UK's most celebrated performers, joined as our first charity Patron in 2020, one of the most extraordinary and challenging of years. “I am honoured to be the charity’s first patron; I have had a personal connection to Solving Kids’ Cancer UK for many years and their work is a cause that is very close to my heart. I’m looking forward to supporting their work." Rob has a very personal connection to Solving Kids’ Cancer UK, having supported Matt White, Solving Kids’ Cancer UK Trustee, and his family, when their son Felix was diagnosed with neuroblastoma in 2009 at the age of 4. Felix sadly passed away when he was just 6, but it is children like Felix and their families that drive the passion and ambition of Solving Kids’ Cancer UK; to bring innovative less toxic treatments for neuroblastoma closer to home, the funding of clinical research, and to provide much-needed support to families from the point of diagnosis.
Carl Cavers
Carl Cavers Carl joins the board of trustees following his original appointment as Patron in April 2022. He is Chief Executive Officer of Sumo Group, an international videogame business which has its headquarters in the UK. Carl has extensive corporate leadership experience and success and co-founded Sumo Digital in 2003 following a successful career with Gremlin Interactive and Infogrames. Sumo is now one of the worlds most successful videogames developers recognised globally by the awards and accolades it has accumulated, including several BAFTA’s.
During the last 20+ years Carl has steered the group through multiple management buy-outs and ultimately floated Sumo Group Plc on the London Stock Exchange's AIM in December 2017, before the business was acquired off market in a trade sale. Carl’s achievements have been recognised by receiving TIGA's coveted Most Outstanding Individual Award in 2015 (TIGA is the trade association representing the video games industry) and being awarded an honorary doctorate from Sheffield Hallam University.
Outside of work Carl is a lifelong cyclist and also competes in motorsports where he uses the platform and TV coverage to help raise awareness for Solving Kids' Cancer UK. Carl is passionate and dedicated to helping the charity continue with the success it has built to date.