Freya's campaign

Freya is seven years old and always has a smile on her face. She loves nothing more than spending time with her identical twin Alice. In December 2022, Freya was diagnosed with stage 4 high-risk neuroblastoma. After completing 15 months of frontline treatment, end-of-treatment scans showed Freya had relapsed.

Fundraising total£36,101.14

Freya is just the sweetest, funniest, caring little girl, not to mention brave and fearless! She has a cheeky sense of humour and is a complete joy to be around. She always makes sure that everyone around her is okay and is always on hand with a cuddle if not! Freya and her identical twin Alice are inseparable and love spending as much time with each other as possible when Freya is not in hospital.

In December 2022, after months of uncertainty, Freya was diagnosed with stage 4 high-risk neuroblastoma, a rare and aggressive childhood cancer that has a 40-50% chance of long-term survival at diagnosis. After enduring 15 months of frontline treatment, sadly end of treatment scans in March 2024 revealed that Freya had relapsed with new areas of disease showing.

Her parents, Shaun and Debbie, are fundraising for potentially life-saving treatment for Freya to get her back into remission. As Freya has relapsed, her treatment options are more limited. Treatment not available through the NHS can cost hundreds of thousands of pounds.

Donate to Freya's campaign

A donation to Freya's campaign could help her access potentially life-saving treatment to get her back into remission.

Donate now

Freya's story

Back in May 2022 Debbie noticed that Freya was constipated and had a slight bulge in her tummy. At their local walk-in centre, Freya was seen by a nurse who couldn't feel anything untoward and mentioned that it was possibly an umbilical hernia. Debbie wasn’t completely satisfied with this answer but accepted what she was told and tried to put it to the back of her mind. By November, with the bulge still visible, Debbie made an appointment with a GP for two weeks’ time. The following week Freya woke up with a slightly swollen eye and the morning after could barely open her eye. The family went straight to the walk-in centre and were referred immediately to their local hospital.

During their stay at Queens Hospital Burton, doctors told Debbie and Shaun the devastating news that the lump in Freya's tummy was likely to be neuroblastoma. 24 hours later the family were transferred to Birmingham Children's Hospital where Freya had several tests which confirmed she had stage 4 high-risk neuroblastoma. By the time Freya was diagnosed, the disease had spread to her collarbone, hips, and pelvis.

“If only I'd pushed back, back in May 2022 when I first suspected something was wrong, perhaps it wouldn't have got to the stage it did and would be more treatable. I'll never ever forgive myself for that.”

Freya's mum, Debbie

Treatment so far

Freya has already been through so much since her diagnosis in December 2022. She has had numerous blood and platelet transfusions, daily G-CSF injections, bone marrow aspirates and trephines, has been fed through an NG tube and countless x-rays, MRI and MIBG scans. Side effects of this aggressive treatment have included vomiting, diarrhoea, nerve and joint pain, loss of high frequency hearing and tiring easily which means she finds it hard to walk any distance and is reliant on using a wheelchair when out and about.

The chemotherapy Freya received at the start of treatment, as well as resulting in her losing her lovely blonde hair which means she is often mistaken as a boy, puts her at a higher risk of getting secondary cancers in the future.

Freya had major surgery to remove the main tumour which was delayed twice due to a chest infection. During surgery, a sample of her ovarian tissue was taken to be frozen, which hopefully can be used in the future should she wish to have children. Treatment related decisions like this have been incredibly hard for her parents to make, especially knowing the extreme side effects of treatment on Freya’s little body.

During Freya’s stem cell transplant, the family spent 7 weeks apart. Both parents had to take time off work to be able to 'do shifts' at the hospital so that both Freya and Alice got to spend time with each parent. This period of treatment was hard for the family as they were not together to support each other through it, especially when Freya developed severe veno-occlusive disease (VOD), a potentially life-threatening complication common during this stage of treatment.


After 15 months, Freya completed frontline treatment in March 2024 but devastatingly end of treatment scans showed new lesions on the opposite side to where her primary tumour was found at diagnosis. A biopsy of the lesions subsequently confirmed that the new disease is neuroblastoma. In May, Freya started BIT chemotherapy and will have scans periodically to assess if the treatment is working.

“Freya always has a smile on her face and simply just gets on with it. Even when we broke the news of her relapse, she was so brave and took it in her stride. In fact, it was Alice that got more upset when she found out that Freya had a couple of new lumps in her tummy, they are just so close and love each other so much!"

Freya's mum, Debbie

Freya’s treatment has had a huge impact on the entire family but especially on her twin sister Alice who is able to do so much that Freya can’t but often chooses not to because she wants to support her sister and doesn’t want her to feel like she’s missing out.

Freya has missed out on so much school and socialising with friends and now faces further isolation as she restarts treatment again. Prior to diagnosis Freya used to enjoy taking part in some of the after-school clubs on offer such as Karate but has not been able to attend since beginning treatment due to the increased risks associated with having a central line, the treatment she has received and simply not having the energy to participate fully following a full day at school.

“We just want Freya to have her childhood back. She has already missed out on so much but never complains. Shaun and I always try to remain upbeat for our children but inside our hearts are breaking, daily. The reality is that we stand a high chance of losing one of our precious daughters and that weighs heavy on us and also our close family and friends.”

Freya's mum, Debbie

Download fundraising resources

Freya's campaign poster

Freya campaign poster, 194.0 KB

Freya's event poster

Freya event poster, 212.1 KB

Freya's sponsorship form

Freya sponsorship form, 190.6 KB

Order fundraising resources 

Order your collection tins and buckets and charity wristbands to support your fundraising.

Solving Kids' Cancer UK's children's fundraising campaigns 

Funds raised will go towards helping Freya and her family. If Freya no longer needs the funds or is in remission five years post the end of successful treatment, the funds will be used to support other children and families affected by neuroblastoma through our activities. For children with relapsed high-risk neuroblastoma, like Freya, the survival rate is much lower than other childhood cancers. 

Donations and comments

Karen Birch£27.00

Donated on: 7th September 2024

The Railway Inn ‘Proud’ Event£1,500.00

Donated on: 5th September 2024

Urcal Village Charity Auction£1,825.64

Donated on: 4th September 2024

The Cross Keys - Eoin and Russell Head Shave£2,170.00

Donated on: 29th August 2024

George’s walk up Mt Snowden£580.00

Donated on: 28th August 2024

Giles Keating£2,000.00

Donated on: 23rd August 2024

Saw Freya's Pebbles at Athelhampton. We've got to make this happen!

Lottie Fawsitt£1,000.00

Donated on: 20th August 2024

Sending all our thoughts from all employees at Reabrook Ltd.

Sally Hemsley £30.00

Donated on: 14th August 2024

For Freya, keep being that lovely, smiley, brave little lass you are!

Restore Cake Bake Sale£327.00

Donated on: 13th August 2024

The Admiral Rodney Bar Collection£118.00

Donated on: 12th August 2024

Ali Bailey£10.00

Donated on: 11th August 2024

Proud of you russ

Stephen Hunter£10.00

Donated on: 11th August 2024

Well done the the both of you! Fantastic achievement for an amazing cause Steve and Juliet x

Danielle Lynch£63.00

Donated on: 10th August 2024

Newhall Social Club Hamper Raffle£150.00

Donated on: 8th August 2024

Chelsea Thorpe-Kinsey£415.00

Donated on: 3rd August 2024

We did a non uniform week to raise money for Freya raising a massive £360. We also as a group of ladies did a sweepstake for the euros and put Freya down for the winner raising and extra £55. Bringing our total to £415. Wishing Freya the best 💖

Colin Blockley£25.00

Donated on: 1st August 2024

From Colin and Eileen.

Bott Ltd - Walk for Freya£10,531.00

Donated on: 30th July 2024

Matthew Newbold£50.00

Donated on: 20th July 2024

Sending love from the Newbolds x

Janet Punter£30.00

Donated on: 20th July 2024

From Gwen and Tony

Lucie Hoelmer£10.00

Donated on: 19th July 2024

For Freya. Thanks for to Shelley, Eion and Russ for raising awareness of Freya's plight. Looking forward to seeing Eion and Russ's hair come off at the sponsored head shave!

Cadley Hill View Care Home Car Wash and Raffle£1,000.00

Donated on: 19th July 2024

Newhall Infant School Collection£330.00

Donated on: 19th July 2024

Peter Wright£10.00

Donated on: 18th July 2024

It's from my wife and I , because we have grandchildren just like Freya

Joshua Allen Head Shave£355.00

Donated on: 18th July 2024

Newhall Social Club Football Collection£145.00

Donated on: 18th July 2024

Helen Ryan£20.00

Donated on: 16th July 2024

David Adams’s sweepstake winnings

Festival of Leisure£750.00

Donated on: 15th July 2024

Previous donations to Freya's gofundme page£8,112.00

Donated on: 15th July 2024

Max Holden£500.00

Donated on: 11th July 2024

Chloe Krystal£10.00

Donated on: 10th July 2024