Always remembering
Maya was a bubbly and bright little girl. She fought neuroblastoma with everything she had and coped brilliantly, always with a smile. She passed away when she was six years old.
Maya’s story
Maya had just turned three when her parents noticed her appetite had reduced and she had become very lethargic and pale. After visits to the GP and two rounds of antibiotics, Maya seemed to be getting worse by the day. The family demanded further investigations and blood tests came back abnormal. An ultrasound and X-ray revealed a tumour in Maya’s adrenal gland, and she was transferred to Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Maya was diagnosed with high-risk neuroblastoma, and it had spread.
Maya had chemotherapy, radiotherapy, endless scans and daily injections. Sadly, just as Maya began to improve, another tumour was found behind her eye. She had relapsed.
The family began fundraising for future treatment – supported by Solving Kids’ Cancer UK. At the time it wasn’t known what the best option for Maya was. It could have been abroad, which could have cost hundreds of thousands of pounds.
Maya passed away on 15th April 2016.
Donations made in loving memory of children
Funds raised in loving memory of Maya will be used to support other children like Maya and their families through Solving Kids' Cancer UK's activities. Any funds raised through a previous fundraising campaign for access to treatment which were not spent on the child's treatment and pastoral needs are used to support other children and families through Solving Kids' Cancer UK's activities.
Donations and comments
Mandy Tonkin£10.00
Donated on: 15th April 2021