Always remembering
Oliver was the happiest, most fun-loving boy you could imagine, a total joy to be around.
Oliver's story
Just before his third birthday, Oliver began acting a little less like himself. After being referred to their local hospital, on his third birthday, a large tumour was found in his chest, and he was diagnosed with high-risk neuroblastoma. During his treatment, baby sister, Eva, was also diagnosed with intermediate-risk neuroblastoma.
"Nothing could have prepared us for finding out that our beautiful little boy had cancer. When the doctor sat us down to see the X-Ray of his chest with the tumour for the first time it made me feel instantly sick and faint."
Oliver’s mum, Louise
Treatment so far
After his diagnosis he began eight rounds of chemotherapy – this worked and got rid of most of the cancer. He then had major surgery to remove the remaining primary tumour, which was followed by high-dose chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant.
Oliver then received immunotherapy and 14 rounds of radiotherapy to complete his frontline treatment in November 2018. Whilst Oliver was undergoing treatment, in October 2017, his little sister, Eva, was diagnosed with intermediate-risk neuroblastoma. She received chemotherapy and had two surgeries.
Oliver’s end of treatment scans showed he was clear of disease, so in February 2019, Oliver and his family travelled to New York so he could start the bivalent vaccine clinical trial. Oliver completed the vaccine trial in Feb 2020 and remained in remission until the summer of 2022 when sadly he relapsed.
Oliver began chemotherapy treatment on the NHS. Oliver responded really well to this initially but by Spring 2023, scans sadly revealed active disease and further chemotherapy was required.
By January 2024 Oliver’s disease had stabilised and he was able to start treatment on the MiNivAn trial. Devastatingly scans whilst on that trial confirmed that Oliver’s disease had progressed further.
There were no further options left to treat Oliver and he sadly passed away 19th June 2024 surrounded by love.
Donations made in loving memory of children
Funds raised in loving memory of Oliver will be used to support other children like Olive and their families through Solving Kids' Cancer UK's activities. Any funds raised through a previous fundraising campaign for access to treatment which were not spent on the child's treatment and pastoral needs are used to support other children and families through Solving Kids' Cancer UK's activities.
Donations and comments
robert coward£200.00
Donated on: 19th December 2019
Donation from Colin Jones from Absolute Fitness - Clitheroe, good luck Oliver and Eva for the future
Donated on: 14th August 2019
Previous donations to Solving Kids' Cancer