Always remembering
Paw Patrol and Peppa Pig-loving Oscar simply took everything in his stride. He loved popping bubbles and was affectionately known as ‘Baby Bear’. Oscar passed away when he was three years old.
Oscar’s story
Oscar was a very happy three-year-old who loved being big brother to his twin brother and sister. His favourite things were Peppa Pig, Paw Patrol and popping bubbles.
Up until the age of one Oscar was a happy healthy baby but after his birthday he started to become poorly. Around the same time, he began going to a child-minder, so his mum and dad put the extra sickness bugs down to him being around other children more. However, they kept taking him to the doctors, only to leave each time feeling re-assured at being told that it was just a bug.
Over the next few months, Oscar went through patches of being ill and off his food but then would seem to recover again. He became increasingly clingy, wanting to be carried more and his child-minder mentioned that he seemed reluctant to walk. His younger twin brother and sister were born early at 32 weeks requiring a lot of attention, but his parents returned to the doctors in July 2016, where the GP recognised something was wrong and immediately referred Oscar for an ultrasound that afternoon. A large tumour was found in his abdomen, followed by a secondary tumour in his neck.
Oscar was transferred by ambulance to Addenbrooke's Hospital for further tests. After a couple of weeks, doctors confirmed that he had stage 4 high-risk neuroblastoma.
"I was basically in a state of grief for the first few days, convinced that we would lose Oscar and crying whenever anyone came near him or touched him."
Oscar’s mum, Lucy
Oscar’s treatment began immediately, a very intensive 18-month plan of chemotherapy, a 12-hour surgery, stem cell recovery, radiotherapy and finally immunotherapy. Oscar coped very well with treatment taking everything in his stride, and his parents were relieved to see their happy child finally returning.
But despite everyone being hopeful as Oscar was so well at the end of treatment, his routine scans in January 2018 showed a change in his disease and the doctors suspected a relapse. At the same time, Oscar broke his femur – his bones were probably weakened by his treatment – and his parents had to wait until his cast came off to perform a biopsy. This confirmed what Oscar’s parents had feared, that the tumour was still active.
Oscar started treatment on the BEACON clinical trial at Manchester Children’s Hospital but unfortunately, by the end of April his parents found out that he was not responding to the treatment.
Oscar passed away on 15th October 2018.
"I am heartbroken to say that we lost our beautiful baby bear today. The world is a much sadder place. Our love for each other will live on forever."
Oscar’s family
Donations made in loving memory of children
Funds raised in loving memory of Oscar will be used to support other children like Oscar and their families through Solving Kids' Cancer UK's activities. Any funds raised through a previous fundraising campaign for access to treatment which were not spent on the child's treatment and pastoral needs are used to support other children and families through Solving Kids' Cancer UK's activities.
Donations and comments
Nicola Byrne£510.00
Donated on: 19th February 2020
In memory of Christopher John Byrne.