Ways you can give
There are many ways to donate to Solving Kids’ Cancer UK and help us support more children and families affected by neuroblastoma. And if you have already raised funds for us, you can pay in any donations raised using the methods below.
Donate online
You can donate quickly and easily on our website. When you make your donation you can let us know if it’s:
- A one-off personal donation or if you’d like to become a regular donor
- Funds raised from a collection or a fundraising event
- On behalf of a company, group or individual
- In memory of someone
Donate by cheque
Cheques should be made payable to ‘Solving Kids’ Cancer UK’, and sent to:
Solving Kids’ Cancer UK, Unit 02-03, Salisbury House, 29 Finsbury Circus, London, EC2M 7AQ
If your fundraising is to support a particular campaign, please write the campaign name on the back of the cheque. Cheques should not be made out to any individual campaign.
If you haven't made a Gift Aid declaration yet, you can do this by downloading a Gift Aid declaration form. Complete, sign and return it by posting it to Solving Kids' Cancer UK at the address above or by emailing the form to info@solvingkidscancer.org.uk. If you are eligible, Solving Kids’ Cancer UK is then able to claim an extra 25p back from every £1 you donate from the government at no extra charge to you.

Solving Kids' Cancer UK Gift Aid declaration form
Fundraising, 252.8 KB
By signing a Gift Aid declaration form you can boost your donation by 25%.
If you'd prefer to send your signed Gift Aid declaration form via email, you can do this by scanning it and sending it to fundraising@solvingkidscancer.org.uk.
Donate by text
Donating via text is quick and easy!
Text SKC followed by any whole amount up to £20 to 70085. This will cost your donation plus your standard network charge. It won’t matter if you leave a space before the number, if you include a ‘£’ sign or whether you use upper or lower case.
As an example, texting SKC 10 would cost £10 plus your standard network text charge.
Donate by telephone
If you would prefer to donate by telephone, please give us a call on 020 7284 0800, and we can take your donation securely over the phone Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm.
Pay your donation directly into the bank or via bank transfer
You can make a donation in-person at any NatWest bank or by making an online bank transfer. Call us on 020 7284 0800 or email us at fundraising@solvingkidscancer.org.uk so we can provide you with the details to use.