Solving Kids’ Cancer UK Joins Childhood Cancer International - Europe
We are delighted to announce our membership into Childhood Cancer International Europe (CCI-E)- a global network of 187 organisations committed to finding the best care for children and young people facing cancer.
Research explainer: How do ALK gene alterations affect the clinical outcome for patients with high-risk neuroblastoma?
Find out more about the latest breakthrough from researchers across Europe on the significance of ALK gene alterations in high-risk neuroblastoma.
Working together
In the latest edition of her blog our CEO, Gail, shares her experience of being part of the National Neuroblastoma Nursing Group, made up of cancer nurse specialists and research nurses.
An AMRC member charity: What does it mean?
In 2018, we announced our awarded membership to the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC), but what does this actually mean for our research?
Research update- June 2021
The Spring months have been as busy as ever for our research team, with the announcement of our latest project as well as progress reviews for our ongoing work and looking ahead at the SKC research strategy for the coming years.
Special Message from Rob Brydon for the Butterfly Relay
Solving Kids' Cancer patron Rob Brydon shares a special message about the Butterfly Relay
Charities Fund Research into Treating Chemotherapy-Resistant Neuroblastoma
Solving Kids’ Cancer UK with partners have awarded £500,000 to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and collaborating institutions for research into identifying and treating neuroblastoma in newly diagnosed children.
Exploring the statistics behind neuroblastoma in the UK
A closer look into the National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (NCRAS) 2021 report on cancer in children, teenagers and young adults.
Together, we are stronger
In the latest edition of her blog our CEO, Gail, reflects on what it means to be part of a parent-led charity.