Carl Cavers CEO of Sumo Group joins Solving Kids' Cancer UK as New Charity Patron
We are delighted to announce Carl Cavers, CEO of Sumo Group, has joined Solving Kids’ Cancer UK as our new Patron.
Solving Kids’ Cancer is thrilled to welcome Carl Cavers, Chief Executive Officer of Sumo Group as our newest charity Patron. Carl joins the charity to help support and highlight Solving Kids’ Cancer UK’s vision for a future where no child dies from the childhood cancer neuroblastoma or suffers due to the treatment they receive.
Carl first reached out to Solving Kids’ Cancer (SKC), following our call to the gaming community to make a seemingly impossible wish come true for the inspirational young man Luke. Carl’s support at this time helped us to realise this wish and since then Carl and Sumo Group have gone on to provide the most incredible support and opportunities to SKC.
As the CEO of Sumo Group, Carl brings a wealth of relevant knowledge and experience to our charity which will enable us to grow and develop. The support Carl and the Group are providing will support us to continue to drive research, provide support and raise awareness of our cause for the benefit of all children and families affected by neuroblastoma.