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Solving Kids' Cancer launches new 5-year strategy

We look forward with hope as we launch our bold new strategy, it is driven by three key pillars Research, Support and Awareness. The 2022-2027 Strategic Plan is built on the success and learning from our 2017-2022 Strategic plan, it has been informed by our stakeholders and developed in line with our vision; ensuring we have a blueprint for our growth, sustainability and stability into the future.

"We are passionate about speeding up pioneering clinical research that will improve outcomes for children. As a parent-led charity we are uniquely placed to use our influence and reputation alongside our accredited research funding framework to make a difference for children now and in the future. Our Family Support Service provides emotional, practical and financial support, impartial information on the latest treatments available and supports families to access treatments and clinical trials not currently available within the NHS. We are a voice for children and their families. In every conversation we amplify their voice and ensure children are at the heart of all we do.

We look forward with hope as we launch our bold new five-year strategy in 2022. With existing and new partners, we will launch our most ambitious research funding award to-date with a focus on accelerating more effective treatments. We will aim to reach all families of children diagnosed with neuroblastoma in the UK, providing a broader range of practical, emotional and financial support at any point of their journey. And we will continue to advocate for children and their families, developing our first public affairs policy to more boldly champion the needs of all children diagnosed with neuroblastoma, and their families.    

To the children and families we support – it is you who motivate, inspire and drive us in everything we do - to be bolder and to never lose our focus on helping in the here and now whilst striving to make the future brighter. You are our heart and our hope.”

Gail Jackson, CEO of Solving Kids' Cancer UK