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Solving Kids' Cancer UK Named Funds

We’re thrilled to be launching our Solving Kids’ Cancer UK Named Funds, a unique way to raise funds in your child’s name and help make a difference for all children and families affected by neuroblastoma both now and in the future. 

Inspired by our pioneer named funds, the Oscar Knox Fund and Smiles for Stanley Fund, all named funds will help us to do more for children with neuroblastoma and their families – facilitating pioneering research, supporting more families, developing wider resources and sharing the latest information across the neuroblastoma community.

“Stanley George was a truly happy child who smiled and giggled his way through his short life. We hope that by working with Solving Kids' Cancer UK in Stanley’s name we can improve the chances of children surviving this cruel disease.”

Sarah and Paul, Smiles for Stanley Fund: a Solving Kids’ Cancer UK pioneer named fund

You can choose your own fundraising activities, there are no formal targets and all funds you raise can be designated to one or more of the key areas of our work. 

  • Research – continue in our collective aim to drive innovation in research and bring less toxic treatments closer to home.  
  • Providing education, advocacy and support directly to families.  
  • Support families in need via our pastoral fund and access to treatment  
  • General funds, to enable SKC to reach more families and sustain our work into the future for all families affected by neuroblastoma. 

We are here to give you as much support as you need and help you set up your fund. We will provide a dedicated page on our website, work with you to develop a logo for your fund and all the materials you need to fundraise.  

We are also here at any time to help, provide advice and support your fundraising. We would love to hear from you – our dedicated team are here to help on 020 7284 0800 or by emailing