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Solving Kids' Cancer's Support for DIPG Community Petition

Solving Kids’ Cancer is proud to stand beside Fiona Govan and the entire DIPG community, following their incredible advocacy work calling for increased funding for research into the most difficult-to-treat childhood cancers. Through sheer determination, their petition achieved the threshold number of 100,000 signatures required. The petition has been considered by the Petitions Committee, and will now go forward for debate in Westminster Hall on Monday 7th December 2020 at 4.30pm.

This is an extraordinary opportunity to shine a light on a uniformly fatal disease.

Bringing public attention to the plight of these families and working in a concerted way to overcome the barriers to progress, is the only way to achieve vital change.

Although originated and championed by the DIPG community, and actively supported by our friends at Abbie’s Army, this petition is centred around improvements in policy concerning all childhood cancers with the worst outcomes.

The debate is being led by Tonia Antoniazzi MP and due to Covid restrictions, only 15 speakers will be allowed to attend the debate.

Please see Solving Kids’ Cancer position statement here. This has been submitted to the debate Chair and the petitions committee.

Further information can be found here: