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Watch brave Kira on Scotland Tonight

Kira Noble, supported by Solving Kids' Cancer throughout her cancer journey, appeared on Scotland Tonight on 13th February as STV followed her latest scan and results.

Kira is now receiving an experimental clinical trial drug called Lorlatinib. It's much less toxic than chemotherapy and has amazingly seen her neuroblastoma disease shrink. All three of her scans over the past nine months have been positive.

Now living her best teenage life, Kira highlights the need for more treatment options like this and talks about her journey with neuroblastoma.

Solving Kids' Cancer funding

Lorlatinib is part-funded by Solving Kids' Cancer and also featured in the Scotland Tonight piece is our Research Coordinator, Leona Knox, sharing her son Oscar's story. The Oscar Knox Fund has been instrumental in bringing the drug Lorlatinib to trial.

Chair of Trustees, Nick Bird, also appeared in a discussion with Professor Pamela Kearns from Cancer Research UK and Worldwide Cancer Research Chief Executive, Dr Helen Rippon. This is available in a longer version on the STV website.

Kira's story: 'I rejected chemo and turned the tables on my cancer' | Scotland Tonight