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Solving Kids’ Cancer UK Children we help Donate

Safeguarding statement  

Solving Kids’ Cancer UK exists to work alongside and support families throughout their cancer journey and to help them in the most challenging of times.

We are also a “safeguarding” agency in that our working practice is underpinned by safeguarding principles, the aim of which is to protect children and young people and enhance their welfare. Therefore, Solving Kids’ Cancer UK will always work in accordance with legislation, statutory guidance and best safeguarding practice. 

Our aim is to work in partnership with parents and carers - we consider it a privilege to be able to do so, and we will respect the confidential nature of any personal information given to us in the course of our work.

The only exception to this is if we receive information that leads us to believe that a child or vulnerable adult is at risk. In these circumstances we will be obliged to pass the information to external agencies. We would hope to always be able to discuss this with you beforehand but there may be certain circumstances when this is not possible.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our Head of Operations, Claire Hislop -